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Saved Searches

Saved searches does what its name implies. While searching for travel inventory, you have the option to save your search query for later use.

Saving your search query

When you start searching for inventory (see Search), you have the ability to fine-tune your search filters. At the bottom of the query form is the option to Save search.

Save a search
Shows link to Save search query

Clicking on this link will give you a chance to name this search (e.g. My Library of Magic Hotels) something you will remember for later.

Give your search a name
Give your search a name

Give it a name and click on the Save search button. After that, you can navigate to Inventory > Saves Searches from the top navigation bar to see your newly created record.

List actions

Your saved search can be used to expose travel inventory to your users in the form of a grid or a map and make your search results display in the way you want.

Saved search actions
Saved search query with no filters applied

Every saved search query has actions you can execute on it:

  • Convert the search query to a map.
  • Convert the search query to a grid.
  • Remove the saved search.


Developers who want to manage saved searches can head over to Developers > API > Browse.

Further reading

  • Read about our Map features.
  • Read about our Grid features.