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This article shows you how to quickly get set up as a developer and start testing our APIs on Wink.

Follow these steps:

  1. Register your user account on Wink
  2. Create a travel agent account or an affiliate account.
  3. Create an Application where you associate it with the account you created in Step 2.
  4. Once you’ve created your Application, save the client-id and client secret in a safe place.


Head on over to our APIs section and choose the API you want to work with.

API docs

Our documentation site is set up in such a way that you can run API commands from within the site.

In this example, you want to use the Search Lookups (OAuth2) API call.

  1. Use the Lookup API to retrieve destinations or hotels.
  2. In the left navbar, click on Authentication.
  3. Enter your client-id and client secret and click the Get TOKEN button.
  4. If your credentials are valid, you will see that your API key has been applied.
  5. You can now test the lookup endpoint.
Lookup API endpoint
Sample Search Lookups (OAuth2)


You can do the same thing with Postman.

  1. Download Postman.
  2. Click on Download OpenAPI spec from the top of the Lookup API page.
  3. Import it into Postman.
  4. If you imported it as a new collection called Wink API, click on the horizontal elipsis (3 dots) next to the collection name and click Edit.
  5. In the Authorization tab, set the Auth type to OAuth2.
  6. Set the field Add auth data to to Request headers.
  7. Set the field Header prefix to Bearer.
  8. Set the field Token Name to whatever you want to name your saved token in Postman. E.g. Wink Staging.
  9. Set the field Grant type to Client Credentials.
  10. Set the field Access token URL to
  11. Set the field Client ID to the Client ID your app helped generate.
  12. Set the field Client Secret to the Client Secret your app helped generate.
  13. Set the field Scope to inventory.write inventory.remove. Those are all the scopes you will need for Wink.
  14. Set the field Client Authentication to Send as Basic Auth header.
  15. Click the Get New Access Token button to retrieve your token and save it.
  16. For all API calls under the Wink API collection, make sure the authentication tab says Inherit auth from parent so it includes your token with every call.